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Palestinian Refugee Families Struggling for Survival in AlHusainiya Refugee Camp

Published : 11-07-2022

Palestinian Refugee Families Struggling for Survival in AlHusainiya Refugee Camp

Multi-dimensional poverty has marred the lives of residents of AlHusainiya Camp for Palestinian refugees, in Rif Dimashq.

Syria’s economic crisis has pushed most of its residents below the poverty line. As another Eid comes around, many of them find it hard to celebrate - and it's even worse for the country's Palestinian refugees.

Speaking with AGPS, a resident of AlHusainiya Camp said, with tears in her eyes: “Our children cannot go outdoors. They received neither clothes nor toys to celebrate the occasion. Our forebears witnessed the true meaning of dispossession and displacement following the Nakba of 1948, when they were forced out of their homes by the Zionist militias. Now, our children have been deprived of childhood joy and denied their basic human rights”.

The prices of sweets have seen a leap of 120%, depriving Palestinian families of a cherished tradition—buying and exchanging sweets during the holy occasion of Eid. A kilogram of candies and sweets costs up to 40,000 Syrian pounds.

The price of a kilogram of ghee is estimated at 17,000 and a kilo of sugar at over 30,000.

A kilogram of meat is also sold in the camp at 14,500 to 16,500, in an area where the majority of families lost their livelihoods and/or breadwinners.

Over recent years, residents of AlHusainiya camp have denounced the absence of vital services in the area. The transportation crisis, price leap, absence of relief assistance and healthcare, power and water crises, and high rates of unemployment have made survival quite difficult for dozens of displaced Palestinian families.


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Multi-dimensional poverty has marred the lives of residents of AlHusainiya Camp for Palestinian refugees, in Rif Dimashq.

Syria’s economic crisis has pushed most of its residents below the poverty line. As another Eid comes around, many of them find it hard to celebrate - and it's even worse for the country's Palestinian refugees.

Speaking with AGPS, a resident of AlHusainiya Camp said, with tears in her eyes: “Our children cannot go outdoors. They received neither clothes nor toys to celebrate the occasion. Our forebears witnessed the true meaning of dispossession and displacement following the Nakba of 1948, when they were forced out of their homes by the Zionist militias. Now, our children have been deprived of childhood joy and denied their basic human rights”.

The prices of sweets have seen a leap of 120%, depriving Palestinian families of a cherished tradition—buying and exchanging sweets during the holy occasion of Eid. A kilogram of candies and sweets costs up to 40,000 Syrian pounds.

The price of a kilogram of ghee is estimated at 17,000 and a kilo of sugar at over 30,000.

A kilogram of meat is also sold in the camp at 14,500 to 16,500, in an area where the majority of families lost their livelihoods and/or breadwinners.

Over recent years, residents of AlHusainiya camp have denounced the absence of vital services in the area. The transportation crisis, price leap, absence of relief assistance and healthcare, power and water crises, and high rates of unemployment have made survival quite difficult for dozens of displaced Palestinian families.


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