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42 Palestinians Arrested in 2021 in Syria

Published : 12-07-2022

42 Palestinians Arrested in 2021 in Syria

AGPS said in its recent annual report for 2021 that as many as 1,898 Palestinian refugees have been incarcerated in Syria prisons until the end of 2021, including 42 refugees who were arrested in 2021.

The list also includes 32 Palestinian refugees who were arrested by opposition forces in northern Syria.

AGPS data indicates that 10 refugees were arrested by Liwaa AlQuds, affiliated with the Syrian regime.

26 arrestees are residents of Yarmouk Camp for Palestinian refugees, south of Damascus, and another five are residents of Deir Ballout Camp, north of Syria.

As of the end of 2021, AGPS recorded the death of 636 Palestinian refugees under torture in Syria’s regime prisons since the start of conflict, five of them were pronounced dead in 2021. 

Six arrestees were released in 2021, four of them were detained by regime forces and another two by opposition groups.


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AGPS said in its recent annual report for 2021 that as many as 1,898 Palestinian refugees have been incarcerated in Syria prisons until the end of 2021, including 42 refugees who were arrested in 2021.

The list also includes 32 Palestinian refugees who were arrested by opposition forces in northern Syria.

AGPS data indicates that 10 refugees were arrested by Liwaa AlQuds, affiliated with the Syrian regime.

26 arrestees are residents of Yarmouk Camp for Palestinian refugees, south of Damascus, and another five are residents of Deir Ballout Camp, north of Syria.

As of the end of 2021, AGPS recorded the death of 636 Palestinian refugees under torture in Syria’s regime prisons since the start of conflict, five of them were pronounced dead in 2021. 

Six arrestees were released in 2021, four of them were detained by regime forces and another two by opposition groups.


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