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ISIS Withdrawal of Yarmouk Camp.

Published : 23-06-2015

ISIS Withdrawal of Yarmouk Camp.

Facebook pages posted a video issued by a leader of armed groups 'brigades within the Yarmouk announcing the withdrawal of ISIS out of the dominated areas in Yarmouk, after it ended its military campaign against Aknaf Bait Al Maqdis Brigades.

The spokesman stressed that ISIS handed over all military points inside the camp to the Palestinian armed battalions stationed there, and that ISIS has no longer any military or administrative headquarters or presence inside the camp.

 He also stressed that the battalions would defend the Yarmouk camp against any attack by the Syrian regime forces and the Palestinian factions loyal to it, as he pointed out that they will not be an obstacle in front of the return of the Yarmouk people to their property and homes.

 Noting that there are a number of institutions, bodies, and medical relief are still doing its job inside the Yarmouk.

It is noteworthy that the so-called Islamic state "ISIS" stormed the Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp south of Damascus on April 1, 2015 in collusion with Al Nusra Front, which has handed over its areas to ISIS without any clashes where it formed those areas as a starting point for ISIS to attack the rest of the Yarmouk.

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Facebook pages posted a video issued by a leader of armed groups 'brigades within the Yarmouk announcing the withdrawal of ISIS out of the dominated areas in Yarmouk, after it ended its military campaign against Aknaf Bait Al Maqdis Brigades.

The spokesman stressed that ISIS handed over all military points inside the camp to the Palestinian armed battalions stationed there, and that ISIS has no longer any military or administrative headquarters or presence inside the camp.

 He also stressed that the battalions would defend the Yarmouk camp against any attack by the Syrian regime forces and the Palestinian factions loyal to it, as he pointed out that they will not be an obstacle in front of the return of the Yarmouk people to their property and homes.

 Noting that there are a number of institutions, bodies, and medical relief are still doing its job inside the Yarmouk.

It is noteworthy that the so-called Islamic state "ISIS" stormed the Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp south of Damascus on April 1, 2015 in collusion with Al Nusra Front, which has handed over its areas to ISIS without any clashes where it formed those areas as a starting point for ISIS to attack the rest of the Yarmouk.

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