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The AGPS Issues a Documentary Report of 'Yarmouk Camp-The Full Truth

Published : 23-06-2015

The AGPS Issues a Documentary Report of

The AGPS issued a documentary report under the title "Yarmouk Camp-The Full Truth," where it monitored the most important events suffered by the Yarmouk camp for being the largest Palestinian refugee camps, from March 2011 until the end of May 2015.

The report addressed the Yarmouk suffering through three main sections that dealt with the evolution of crisis in the Yarmouk refugee camp during two main phases, pre-December 16, 2012, the date of bombing the camp by "MIG" warplanes, and the post-December 17, 2012, the date of displacement and expel the residents of Yarmouk.

This research has shed light on the Yarmouk refugee camp in terms of site and foundation, and its strategic importance for Damascus and its suburbs, also it mentioned the numbers of victims of Yarmouk since the beginning of events in Syria until the end of last May.

In addition, the report also mentioned the beginnings of forming civil committees for defense of Yarmouk, which was received between rejection and acceptance by the people of the camp and some Palestinian factions. It also explained how the armed battalions entered the Yarmouk camp.

Moreover, the 60–page-broadsheet report addressed the complete and partial siege imposed on the Yarmouk by the regular army and the Palestinian factions, and their negative implications and consequences that affected its residents.  The report also focused on the initiatives that were put forward to lift the siege on the Yarmouk camp.

The report singled out a special study for the stage of ISIS control on the Yarmouk, causes, motives, and results, and the concomitant violations, and the responses of international, regional, and Palestinian acts.

In conclusion the report came out with several conclusions and recommendations, most important is the need to lift the siege on the camp, to allow the return of its inhabitants, and to provide protection to refugees as stipulated in international conventions and the Universal Charter of Human Rights.

It is worth mentioning that the search was based on field reports that were mainly documented by the AGPS through its correspondents' network in the Palestinian camps and compounds.

To see the full report please click on the following link:

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The AGPS issued a documentary report under the title "Yarmouk Camp-The Full Truth," where it monitored the most important events suffered by the Yarmouk camp for being the largest Palestinian refugee camps, from March 2011 until the end of May 2015.

The report addressed the Yarmouk suffering through three main sections that dealt with the evolution of crisis in the Yarmouk refugee camp during two main phases, pre-December 16, 2012, the date of bombing the camp by "MIG" warplanes, and the post-December 17, 2012, the date of displacement and expel the residents of Yarmouk.

This research has shed light on the Yarmouk refugee camp in terms of site and foundation, and its strategic importance for Damascus and its suburbs, also it mentioned the numbers of victims of Yarmouk since the beginning of events in Syria until the end of last May.

In addition, the report also mentioned the beginnings of forming civil committees for defense of Yarmouk, which was received between rejection and acceptance by the people of the camp and some Palestinian factions. It also explained how the armed battalions entered the Yarmouk camp.

Moreover, the 60–page-broadsheet report addressed the complete and partial siege imposed on the Yarmouk by the regular army and the Palestinian factions, and their negative implications and consequences that affected its residents.  The report also focused on the initiatives that were put forward to lift the siege on the Yarmouk camp.

The report singled out a special study for the stage of ISIS control on the Yarmouk, causes, motives, and results, and the concomitant violations, and the responses of international, regional, and Palestinian acts.

In conclusion the report came out with several conclusions and recommendations, most important is the need to lift the siege on the camp, to allow the return of its inhabitants, and to provide protection to refugees as stipulated in international conventions and the Universal Charter of Human Rights.

It is worth mentioning that the search was based on field reports that were mainly documented by the AGPS through its correspondents' network in the Palestinian camps and compounds.

To see the full report please click on the following link:

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