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Syrian Security Forces Release a Palestinian Refugee from Yarmouk and Arrests Two Palestinian Refugees from Al Aedein camp in Homs

Published : 28-06-2015

Syrian Security Forces Release a Palestinian Refugee from Yarmouk and Arrests Two Palestinian Refugees from Al Aedein camp in Homs

Syrian security forces released the Palestinian Syrian refugee woman "Doaa Agag," 22 years, after being detained for nearly three months, and had been arrested from the distribution point of food aid in the Yarmouk camp.

It is noteworthy that the AGPS documented the names of 41 Palestinian refugee detained in Syrian prisons, while the total number of Palestinian detainees, since the start of the war events, has reached 901 Palestinian prisoners; their fate is unknown yet.

Meanwhile,  The Syrian security forces raided the house of the refugee "Mohammed Ismail Omar" yesterday and arrested after he turned himself following the security members detained his brother as a hostage to put pressure on him to turn himself in after he escaped from them. It was mentioned that "Omar" is in his twenties, originally from Al Shajara village in Palestine.

Syrian security arrested "Tariq Hassan Bassiouni," a member of security committees of the regime after he refused to go to fight alongside the Syrian army on a raging front in Aleppo. It is referred that "Bassiouni" is in the end of his thirties, originally Haifa city in Palestine.

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Syrian security forces released the Palestinian Syrian refugee woman "Doaa Agag," 22 years, after being detained for nearly three months, and had been arrested from the distribution point of food aid in the Yarmouk camp.

It is noteworthy that the AGPS documented the names of 41 Palestinian refugee detained in Syrian prisons, while the total number of Palestinian detainees, since the start of the war events, has reached 901 Palestinian prisoners; their fate is unknown yet.

Meanwhile,  The Syrian security forces raided the house of the refugee "Mohammed Ismail Omar" yesterday and arrested after he turned himself following the security members detained his brother as a hostage to put pressure on him to turn himself in after he escaped from them. It was mentioned that "Omar" is in his twenties, originally from Al Shajara village in Palestine.

Syrian security arrested "Tariq Hassan Bassiouni," a member of security committees of the regime after he refused to go to fight alongside the Syrian army on a raging front in Aleppo. It is referred that "Bassiouni" is in the end of his thirties, originally Haifa city in Palestine.

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