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Distribution of Meals on Some Palestinian Families in Qudsaya, Al Zahira, Homs Camp, and Hama

Published : 03-07-2015

Distribution of Meals on Some Palestinian Families in Qudsaya, Al Zahira, Homs Camp, and Hama

Global Relief Organization and Al Marhama campaign in cooperation with the Charity Organization provided (1000) breakfast meals to the families of orphans, people with special needs, and poor families at the charity center in Qudseia area at Damascus Suburb.

'We Were and We Will' institution in collaboration with the Charity Organization also provided 260breakfast meals for families in Al Zahira area in Damascus within the initiative of 'Kesret Khubz',

In Al Aedein camp in Homs, Shabab Al Khair Association in cooperation with the Charity Commission introduced breakfasts for 150 families of orphans and displaced people, as well as food aid in Hama camp, which included the poorest and most needed families.

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Global Relief Organization and Al Marhama campaign in cooperation with the Charity Organization provided (1000) breakfast meals to the families of orphans, people with special needs, and poor families at the charity center in Qudseia area at Damascus Suburb.

'We Were and We Will' institution in collaboration with the Charity Organization also provided 260breakfast meals for families in Al Zahira area in Damascus within the initiative of 'Kesret Khubz',

In Al Aedein camp in Homs, Shabab Al Khair Association in cooperation with the Charity Commission introduced breakfasts for 150 families of orphans and displaced people, as well as food aid in Hama camp, which included the poorest and most needed families.

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