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ISIS Executes and Cuts the Heads of Some Residents of Yarmouk, Including a Palestinian Refugee

Published : 03-07-2015

ISIS Executes and Cuts the Heads of Some Residents of Yarmouk, Including a Palestinian Refugee

A number of social media pages affiliated to ISIS shared a recorded video issued by the so-called 'Damascus State' entitled as 'Picking Spies'. The video contains a number of people were executed in different charges by ISIS, where the refugee Naem Younis Bahnasawi,' was born on 1972, from Sbeina camp, was executed in charges of affiliating to Aknaf Brigades, according to the Video. 

At the end of the recorded video, ISIS members slaughtered and cut the heads of two defendants, while others were executed by shooting in the heads, while the AGPS could not assure the recorded video

It is worth mentioning that ISIS had stormed the Yarmouk refugee camp early on last April.

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A number of social media pages affiliated to ISIS shared a recorded video issued by the so-called 'Damascus State' entitled as 'Picking Spies'. The video contains a number of people were executed in different charges by ISIS, where the refugee Naem Younis Bahnasawi,' was born on 1972, from Sbeina camp, was executed in charges of affiliating to Aknaf Brigades, according to the Video. 

At the end of the recorded video, ISIS members slaughtered and cut the heads of two defendants, while others were executed by shooting in the heads, while the AGPS could not assure the recorded video

It is worth mentioning that ISIS had stormed the Yarmouk refugee camp early on last April.

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