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Al Wafaa for Relief Distributes Food Meals at Al Muzareeb Southern Syria

Published : 07-07-2015

Al Wafaa for Relief Distributes Food Meals at Al Muzareeb Southern Syria

Al Wafa Relief Organization carried out the day before a project of a breakfast fasting at Al Muzareeb city southern Syria, where they packed and distributed the food meals on the residents who suffer of the siege of the Regular Army. The Organization also carried out a number of charity project at the Yarmouk camp and the other camps in Syria as to alleviate the war consequences on the Palestinian refugees in Syria.

It is mentioned that about 8500 Palestinian refugees at Al Muzareeb compound suffer of the shortage of the food and medical materials and the high prices of the materials if they were available in addition to the continues targeting with explosive barrels and rockets that led to more than 30 victims and mass damages to the houses.

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Al Wafa Relief Organization carried out the day before a project of a breakfast fasting at Al Muzareeb city southern Syria, where they packed and distributed the food meals on the residents who suffer of the siege of the Regular Army. The Organization also carried out a number of charity project at the Yarmouk camp and the other camps in Syria as to alleviate the war consequences on the Palestinian refugees in Syria.

It is mentioned that about 8500 Palestinian refugees at Al Muzareeb compound suffer of the shortage of the food and medical materials and the high prices of the materials if they were available in addition to the continues targeting with explosive barrels and rockets that led to more than 30 victims and mass damages to the houses.

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