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A Bombing Targets Yarmouk Camp,,, A Protest in the Third Anniversary of its Siege

Published : 07-07-2015

A Bombing Targets Yarmouk Camp,,, A Protest in the Third Anniversary of its Siege

At the Yarmouk camp south of Damascus, separate areas of the camp were targeted with shells which only led to material damages. The organizations and institutions inside the camp carried out a protest the day before in the occasion of the third anniversary for the siege that is imposed on the camp by the Regular Army and the Palestinian affiliated factions, where the protestors demanded to stop fire , open the road to the camp to enter the food aid and returning back the water , power and infrastructure services. The protestors also expressed their solidarity with the displaced Palestinians of Syria in Lebanon who are suffering of severe living situation. They also suffer of the UNRWA reduced services and the mistreatment by the Lebanese security authorities with the Palestinians of Syria file.

It is mentioned that the Regular Army imposed on summer 2012 a partial siege on the camp through setting checkpoints on the entrances, where it imposed a complete siege on July 2013. At that time, the Regular Army prevented the entry of food items, Gas, fuel, medical aid to the camp which led to a humanitarian disaster in the camp resulted in 177 refugee victims due to the siege and the lack of medical care.

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At the Yarmouk camp south of Damascus, separate areas of the camp were targeted with shells which only led to material damages. The organizations and institutions inside the camp carried out a protest the day before in the occasion of the third anniversary for the siege that is imposed on the camp by the Regular Army and the Palestinian affiliated factions, where the protestors demanded to stop fire , open the road to the camp to enter the food aid and returning back the water , power and infrastructure services. The protestors also expressed their solidarity with the displaced Palestinians of Syria in Lebanon who are suffering of severe living situation. They also suffer of the UNRWA reduced services and the mistreatment by the Lebanese security authorities with the Palestinians of Syria file.

It is mentioned that the Regular Army imposed on summer 2012 a partial siege on the camp through setting checkpoints on the entrances, where it imposed a complete siege on July 2013. At that time, the Regular Army prevented the entry of food items, Gas, fuel, medical aid to the camp which led to a humanitarian disaster in the camp resulted in 177 refugee victims due to the siege and the lack of medical care.

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