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• ISIS Wipes the Face of "Yasser Arafat" in the Yarmouk Camp

Published : 10-07-2015

•	ISIS Wipes the Face of "Yasser Arafat" in the Yarmouk Camp

A group of ISIS members wiped Photos of the Palestinian President "Yasser Arafat" in the Yarmouk refugee camp in black, considering those pictures as calls to disbelief.

According to residents, ISIS considered Photos of the Palestinian leaders as images of disbelieve calls, as well as, it prevents Palestine flags considering it as representing non-Islamic flags.

It is worth mentioning that many activists from the camp, journalists, and relief workers were forced to leave, fearing for their lives after they received death threats from ISIS, which stormed the camp early April with support and facilities of Al Nusra Front, which was present in the camp.

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A group of ISIS members wiped Photos of the Palestinian President "Yasser Arafat" in the Yarmouk refugee camp in black, considering those pictures as calls to disbelief.

According to residents, ISIS considered Photos of the Palestinian leaders as images of disbelieve calls, as well as, it prevents Palestine flags considering it as representing non-Islamic flags.

It is worth mentioning that many activists from the camp, journalists, and relief workers were forced to leave, fearing for their lives after they received death threats from ISIS, which stormed the camp early April with support and facilities of Al Nusra Front, which was present in the camp.

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