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Shelling and Clashes in the Yarmouk Camp in Damascus

Published : 11-07-2015

Shelling and Clashes in the Yarmouk Camp in Damascus

Battles and violent clashes in the Yarmouk camp south of Damascus continued on Friday night between ISIS alongside Al Nisra Front and the regular army alongside the Palestinian factions loyal to it.

 The clashes were concentrated on the Yarmouk high school axis at Jalal Kaoush Street near the Yarmouk Municipality and Al Rija square, while the AGPS correspondent reported news about victims in the ranks of both parties.

Meanwhile, mortar shells targeted different parts of the camp after Friday prayers, causing only material damage.

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Battles and violent clashes in the Yarmouk camp south of Damascus continued on Friday night between ISIS alongside Al Nisra Front and the regular army alongside the Palestinian factions loyal to it.

 The clashes were concentrated on the Yarmouk high school axis at Jalal Kaoush Street near the Yarmouk Municipality and Al Rija square, while the AGPS correspondent reported news about victims in the ranks of both parties.

Meanwhile, mortar shells targeted different parts of the camp after Friday prayers, causing only material damage.

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