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The AGPS Issues its Report “The Palestinian Victims Statistics till July 2015"

Published : 13-07-2015

The AGPS Issues its Report “The Palestinian Victims Statistics till July 2015"

The AGPS issued its documentary report titles” the Palestinian Victims Statistics till July 2015”. The report documents 2910 victims from the Palestinians of Syria, who died for direct reasons such as bombing, clashes, torture in the prisons, explosions and siege, and the indirect reasons such as drowning while trying to reach Europe through the death boats. The report mentions that 1860 victims were distributed to the Palestinian camp at Syria from Daraa in the south passing through Khan Danoun, Khan Al Sheih, Al Saeyda Zainab, Yarmouk, Jaramana, Al Sbeina, Al Husayenaeyya, Al Aedin At Homs and Hama, Al Raml to Handarat and Niarab at north of Syria, in Addition to the victims who died out of their camps in the various Syrian towns and cities. The AGPS report documented with names that 78 Palestinian victims died out of their camps due to torture in the Syrian prisons since the beginning of March 2015, where they were recognized through the leaked pictures for the victims of torture and according to the witness of a released person from the Syrian prisons.

The report also includes a list of 46 names for the Palestinian victims who died at Yarmouk camp after the ISIS incursion in the beginning of April 2015. The AGPS referred that its report is concerned to document the statistics of the Palestinian refugee victims in Syria since the beginning of the conflict till the end of July 2015 and the report is not concerned to document the identity of the direct doer.

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The AGPS issued its documentary report titles” the Palestinian Victims Statistics till July 2015”. The report documents 2910 victims from the Palestinians of Syria, who died for direct reasons such as bombing, clashes, torture in the prisons, explosions and siege, and the indirect reasons such as drowning while trying to reach Europe through the death boats. The report mentions that 1860 victims were distributed to the Palestinian camp at Syria from Daraa in the south passing through Khan Danoun, Khan Al Sheih, Al Saeyda Zainab, Yarmouk, Jaramana, Al Sbeina, Al Husayenaeyya, Al Aedin At Homs and Hama, Al Raml to Handarat and Niarab at north of Syria, in Addition to the victims who died out of their camps in the various Syrian towns and cities. The AGPS report documented with names that 78 Palestinian victims died out of their camps due to torture in the Syrian prisons since the beginning of March 2015, where they were recognized through the leaked pictures for the victims of torture and according to the witness of a released person from the Syrian prisons.

The report also includes a list of 46 names for the Palestinian victims who died at Yarmouk camp after the ISIS incursion in the beginning of April 2015. The AGPS referred that its report is concerned to document the statistics of the Palestinian refugee victims in Syria since the beginning of the conflict till the end of July 2015 and the report is not concerned to document the identity of the direct doer.

To Download the Electronic Copy of the Report Press on this Link:

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