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Shelling and Clashes in the Yarmouk Refugee Camp.

Published : 14-07-2015

Shelling and Clashes in the Yarmouk Refugee Camp.

A number of shells and bombing targeted different places of the Yarmouk camp, which resulted in only material damages, coincided with clashes between Palestinian armed groups and ISIS alongside Al Nusra Front.

Clashes ended up with no significant progress for both parties, where ISIS still controls 60% of ​​the camp, while the regular army and the armed groups dominated on 40%.

In terms of living aspect, the remained residents are suffering from tragic situations as a result of lack of food and water and the continued power cuts throughout the camp for more than a year and a half.

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A number of shells and bombing targeted different places of the Yarmouk camp, which resulted in only material damages, coincided with clashes between Palestinian armed groups and ISIS alongside Al Nusra Front.

Clashes ended up with no significant progress for both parties, where ISIS still controls 60% of ​​the camp, while the regular army and the armed groups dominated on 40%.

In terms of living aspect, the remained residents are suffering from tragic situations as a result of lack of food and water and the continued power cuts throughout the camp for more than a year and a half.

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