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Assassination of the Relief Activist 'Mustafa Sharaan' Former Official of Palestine Charity Committee at Yarmouk

Published : 14-07-2015

Assassination of the Relief Activist

Residents of Yarmouk camp funeral the relief activist "Mustafa Sharaan," Abu Maaz, to his final resting place yesterday, after being assassinated yesterday following Tarawih prayers at Abdel Kader al-Husseini mosque in the camp.

Unidentified masked group shot Sharaan and fled, while he was immediately rushed to the nearby town of Yalda to receive treatment, but attempts to revitalize him failed because of the serious injury, and the lack of essential medical supplies for treatment.

Sharaan is considered one of the relief activists who refused to get out of the Yarmouk refugee camp to serve the trapped people, and was the former official of the Palestine Charity Committee in the Yarmouk refugee camp.

He also founded, with a group of residents, "Wafa Charity Foundation" which has a number of charitable projects, in addition to his support for the charity hospital and opened a pharmacy provides services to residents of the camp.

In turn, the AGPS monitoring and documentation team revealed that the assassination of "Sharaan" raise the toll of activists who were assassinated inside the camp to 15 activists; they are: Bahaa Saqr, a member of Yarmouk Residents League, the  activists Ahmed Al-Sahli, Abdullah Badr, Ali Al Hija, Mohammad Yousuf Arisha, director of the relief office in the camp, Mohammed Tiraoah, Fatah representative in the Yarmouk refugee camp, Nemer Hussein, a member of Yarmouk Civil Council, Firas Hussein Naji, official of Basma Foundation in the Yarmouk camp, and Yahya Abdullah al-Hourani Abu Suhaib, where he was assassinated near Al-Taj Chicken shop on 30th of March 2015 while heading to his work in Palestine hospital.

The AGPS pointed out that the camp witnessed a failed assassination attempt against the activist Mohammed Taha, as well as the relief activist Abdullah al-Khatib.

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Residents of Yarmouk camp funeral the relief activist "Mustafa Sharaan," Abu Maaz, to his final resting place yesterday, after being assassinated yesterday following Tarawih prayers at Abdel Kader al-Husseini mosque in the camp.

Unidentified masked group shot Sharaan and fled, while he was immediately rushed to the nearby town of Yalda to receive treatment, but attempts to revitalize him failed because of the serious injury, and the lack of essential medical supplies for treatment.

Sharaan is considered one of the relief activists who refused to get out of the Yarmouk refugee camp to serve the trapped people, and was the former official of the Palestine Charity Committee in the Yarmouk refugee camp.

He also founded, with a group of residents, "Wafa Charity Foundation" which has a number of charitable projects, in addition to his support for the charity hospital and opened a pharmacy provides services to residents of the camp.

In turn, the AGPS monitoring and documentation team revealed that the assassination of "Sharaan" raise the toll of activists who were assassinated inside the camp to 15 activists; they are: Bahaa Saqr, a member of Yarmouk Residents League, the  activists Ahmed Al-Sahli, Abdullah Badr, Ali Al Hija, Mohammad Yousuf Arisha, director of the relief office in the camp, Mohammed Tiraoah, Fatah representative in the Yarmouk refugee camp, Nemer Hussein, a member of Yarmouk Civil Council, Firas Hussein Naji, official of Basma Foundation in the Yarmouk camp, and Yahya Abdullah al-Hourani Abu Suhaib, where he was assassinated near Al-Taj Chicken shop on 30th of March 2015 while heading to his work in Palestine hospital.

The AGPS pointed out that the camp witnessed a failed assassination attempt against the activist Mohammed Taha, as well as the relief activist Abdullah al-Khatib.

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