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A Palestinian Refugee was Arrested while Leaving Yarmouk Camp, Despite Obtaining a Security Approval

Published : 16-07-2015

A Palestinian Refugee was Arrested while Leaving Yarmouk Camp, Despite Obtaining a Security Approval

Syrian regime forces arrested the Palestinian young man Mahmoud Azeema on Bait Sahem checkpoint while he was getting out of Yarmouk camp though he had a permit from the Syrian Security and the Palestine ambassador to get out for treatment.

 It is referred that it was not the first case to arrest Palestinian refugees on the checkpoints of the camp and the entrances leading to it despite the permits that they had from the Syrian security which is delivered to the Palestine embassy.

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Syrian regime forces arrested the Palestinian young man Mahmoud Azeema on Bait Sahem checkpoint while he was getting out of Yarmouk camp though he had a permit from the Syrian Security and the Palestine ambassador to get out for treatment.

 It is referred that it was not the first case to arrest Palestinian refugees on the checkpoints of the camp and the entrances leading to it despite the permits that they had from the Syrian security which is delivered to the Palestine embassy.

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