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Palestinian Syrian Refugees are Protesting on the Decision of Evacuating Kilis Center in Turkey.

Published : 18-09-2015

Palestinian Syrian Refugees are Protesting on the Decision of Evacuating Kilis Center in Turkey.

A number of Palestinian families, who came from Syria, implemented a protest about the decision of evacuating Kilis shelter center, as they demanded to secure them an alternative shelter in case of evacuating Kilis center. The protestors stressed on their hard living and economic situation that prevent them from renting a house, as the Turkish police went to place of the sit-in and listened to the protestors demands with the attendance of a representative of Al Wali Office.

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A number of Palestinian families, who came from Syria, implemented a protest about the decision of evacuating Kilis shelter center, as they demanded to secure them an alternative shelter in case of evacuating Kilis center. The protestors stressed on their hard living and economic situation that prevent them from renting a house, as the Turkish police went to place of the sit-in and listened to the protestors demands with the attendance of a representative of Al Wali Office.

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