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Slovakia Continues to Arrest Palestinian Syrian Refugees and Hungary Insists to forcibly take their Asylum Fingerprint

Published : 22-07-2015

Slovakia Continues to Arrest Palestinian Syrian Refugees and Hungary Insists to forcibly take their Asylum Fingerprint

Slovak authorities continue to arrest a number of Palestinian Syrian refugees from Nairab and Yarmouk camps on charges of entering the country illegally, while the AGPS previously received a letter from the Palestinian and Syrian refugees who are detained in Slovakia appealing the International organizations and the International Red Cross to intervene for their release.

Detainees confirmed that the Slovak authorities are holding a number of them in its jails on charges of illegal immigration, some of them were recognized; they are:

The Palestinian refugee Fadi Qasim, his wife, five of his children, the two refugees  Basil and Khaled Shankal, a refugee from Ghadhban family, and two families Yarmouk.

Moreover, the refugees described their place of residence as a detention center and stressed in their letter that they cannot get out of the Camp permanently; they are only allowed to go out into the yard of the Camp for only two hours in the daytime.

They added that their children are in a deplorable state, as they said that the Camp authority promised to release and handle them to the Hungarian authorities if the latter agreed, and none of this happened till now.

The refugees had fled from their camps in Syria and rode "boats of death" to Greece and then crossed into Hungary which forced them to forcibly fingerprint, then tried to go to Germany but they were arrested by the Slovak authorities on its territory.

In the same context, Hungarian authorities arrested a number of Palestinian Syrian refugees while trying to travel to a European country through its territory on charges of illegal immigration.

According to the testimony of detainee's father to the AGPS, the prison administration in Hungary has terrorized the detained Palestinian Syrian refugees in order to forcibly extract their asylum fingerprint.

Meanwhile, dozens of Palestinian refugees detained in Hungary have been humiliated and treated inhumanly due to the insistence of the Hungarian authorities to forcibly extract their asylum fingerprint, which would prevented then to follow their families in other countries such as Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and other European countries.

It should be noted that Hungary is one of the most important European transit countries by land towards the countries of asylum, while refugees start their way from  Salonika in Greece, then Macedonia, Serbia, Hungary, and then to  Austria.

However, many Palestinian and the Syrian immigrants suffer of being forced to fingerprint, owning to the refusal of the European asylum countries to give them residency with exceptions, yet, the current decision would be a lifeline for immigrants, according to some analysts.

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Slovak authorities continue to arrest a number of Palestinian Syrian refugees from Nairab and Yarmouk camps on charges of entering the country illegally, while the AGPS previously received a letter from the Palestinian and Syrian refugees who are detained in Slovakia appealing the International organizations and the International Red Cross to intervene for their release.

Detainees confirmed that the Slovak authorities are holding a number of them in its jails on charges of illegal immigration, some of them were recognized; they are:

The Palestinian refugee Fadi Qasim, his wife, five of his children, the two refugees  Basil and Khaled Shankal, a refugee from Ghadhban family, and two families Yarmouk.

Moreover, the refugees described their place of residence as a detention center and stressed in their letter that they cannot get out of the Camp permanently; they are only allowed to go out into the yard of the Camp for only two hours in the daytime.

They added that their children are in a deplorable state, as they said that the Camp authority promised to release and handle them to the Hungarian authorities if the latter agreed, and none of this happened till now.

The refugees had fled from their camps in Syria and rode "boats of death" to Greece and then crossed into Hungary which forced them to forcibly fingerprint, then tried to go to Germany but they were arrested by the Slovak authorities on its territory.

In the same context, Hungarian authorities arrested a number of Palestinian Syrian refugees while trying to travel to a European country through its territory on charges of illegal immigration.

According to the testimony of detainee's father to the AGPS, the prison administration in Hungary has terrorized the detained Palestinian Syrian refugees in order to forcibly extract their asylum fingerprint.

Meanwhile, dozens of Palestinian refugees detained in Hungary have been humiliated and treated inhumanly due to the insistence of the Hungarian authorities to forcibly extract their asylum fingerprint, which would prevented then to follow their families in other countries such as Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and other European countries.

It should be noted that Hungary is one of the most important European transit countries by land towards the countries of asylum, while refugees start their way from  Salonika in Greece, then Macedonia, Serbia, Hungary, and then to  Austria.

However, many Palestinian and the Syrian immigrants suffer of being forced to fingerprint, owning to the refusal of the European asylum countries to give them residency with exceptions, yet, the current decision would be a lifeline for immigrants, according to some analysts.

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