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Violent clashes and battles continue in the Yarmouk camp

Published : 23-07-2015

Violent clashes and battles continue in the Yarmouk camp

Violent clashes and battles continue in the Yarmouk camp south of Damascus on Wednesday night between ISIS alongside Nusra and the regular army alongside Palestinian factions.

Clashes concentrated on several fighting axes; the most violent was on the axis of Yarmouk high school near Yarmouk Municipality, while the AGPS correspondent in Yarmouk reported casualties in the ranks of the two parties.

The pro-Syrian regime factions have announced the death of "Bilal Sakka" a member of Palestinian national defense due to the clashes between them and ISIS alongside Al Nusra Front.

It is noteworthy that ISIS is still control over 60% of Yarmouk since storming in April 2015.

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Violent clashes and battles continue in the Yarmouk camp south of Damascus on Wednesday night between ISIS alongside Nusra and the regular army alongside Palestinian factions.

Clashes concentrated on several fighting axes; the most violent was on the axis of Yarmouk high school near Yarmouk Municipality, while the AGPS correspondent in Yarmouk reported casualties in the ranks of the two parties.

The pro-Syrian regime factions have announced the death of "Bilal Sakka" a member of Palestinian national defense due to the clashes between them and ISIS alongside Al Nusra Front.

It is noteworthy that ISIS is still control over 60% of Yarmouk since storming in April 2015.

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