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For the Sixth Consecutive Day, the Regular Army Closes Qudsaya Town Inhabited by Thousands of Palestinians

Published : 29-07-2015

For the Sixth Consecutive Day, the Regular Army Closes Qudsaya Town Inhabited by Thousands of Palestinians

The regular army forces continue to close all entrances and exits of Qudsaya and Al Hama towns in Damascus suburb due to the kidnapping of one of its members by groups of armed opposition in Qudsaya, according to news there.

The AGPS reporter said that "The regime forces allowed state employees to enter and exit at specific times," while the town suffers from bread crisis due to the closure of bakeries as a result of running out of flour, shortage of food supplies, and the high cost of living.

This suffering reflected negatively on thousands of displaced Palestinian refugees, while the town of Qudsay receives about six thousands Palestinian families who fled from the Yarmouk refugee camp and other camps.

Residents of this region are suffering of ​​ongoing tension security situation in addition to the dire living conditions in which they live; such as high cost of living and unemployment widespread among them, as well as the lack of income for most of these families who have been forced to rent houses with high prices what caused them economic and material crisis over their plight and the loss of their homes and properties in the Palestinian camps.

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The regular army forces continue to close all entrances and exits of Qudsaya and Al Hama towns in Damascus suburb due to the kidnapping of one of its members by groups of armed opposition in Qudsaya, according to news there.

The AGPS reporter said that "The regime forces allowed state employees to enter and exit at specific times," while the town suffers from bread crisis due to the closure of bakeries as a result of running out of flour, shortage of food supplies, and the high cost of living.

This suffering reflected negatively on thousands of displaced Palestinian refugees, while the town of Qudsay receives about six thousands Palestinian families who fled from the Yarmouk refugee camp and other camps.

Residents of this region are suffering of ​​ongoing tension security situation in addition to the dire living conditions in which they live; such as high cost of living and unemployment widespread among them, as well as the lack of income for most of these families who have been forced to rent houses with high prices what caused them economic and material crisis over their plight and the loss of their homes and properties in the Palestinian camps.

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