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Syrian Opposition Groups Close All Roads between Yarmouk and Yelda, and Keep a Humanitarian Corridor

Published : 30-07-2015

Syrian Opposition Groups Close All Roads between Yarmouk and Yelda, and Keep a Humanitarian Corridor

Yalda checkpoint of the Syrian armed opposition groups closed the road between Yarmouk camp and Yalda area after disagreements between ISIS alongside Al Nusra in the Yarmouk camp and armed opposition groups in Yalda.

Meanwhile, a statement was issued yesterday by the Consultative Council of Yalda, Babbila, and beitsahem towns confirmed the closure of all roads between all these towns on the one hand and Yarmouk and Al Hajar Al Aswad on the other hand except for a humanitarian corridor.

The statement pointed out that this road will be subject to a large security inspection for men and women, and it prevents the entry of military factions' members whatever their affiliation, only after being searched.

Consultative Council explained that these procedures were the result of what was suffered by the people of those three towns recently; such as assassination, targeting with explosive devices and mine by extremists as described by the statement.

The latest assassination was against imams in Yalda, while the statement also stressed that any member belongs to Al-Nusra Front or ISIS will be discovered inthese towns will be killed immediately.

In the same context, a delegation of notables of Yarmouk camp and head of the civil Council 'Fawzi Hamid' visited Yalda area to resolve the problem closing the road.

It is worth mentioning that the only port of food and aid entry to the camp's trapped residents is Yalda area, but the armed opposition groups accused ISIS and Al Nusra in the Yarmouk camp and Al Hajar Al Aswad  the assassination of many of its members and a number of activists in Yalda.

On the other hand, the head of the PLO Political Department, Ambassador Anwar Abdul Hadi, said that the Syrian government agreed to the burial of dead people who are displaced in the Yarmouk refugee camp in Yarmouk cemetery.

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Yalda checkpoint of the Syrian armed opposition groups closed the road between Yarmouk camp and Yalda area after disagreements between ISIS alongside Al Nusra in the Yarmouk camp and armed opposition groups in Yalda.

Meanwhile, a statement was issued yesterday by the Consultative Council of Yalda, Babbila, and beitsahem towns confirmed the closure of all roads between all these towns on the one hand and Yarmouk and Al Hajar Al Aswad on the other hand except for a humanitarian corridor.

The statement pointed out that this road will be subject to a large security inspection for men and women, and it prevents the entry of military factions' members whatever their affiliation, only after being searched.

Consultative Council explained that these procedures were the result of what was suffered by the people of those three towns recently; such as assassination, targeting with explosive devices and mine by extremists as described by the statement.

The latest assassination was against imams in Yalda, while the statement also stressed that any member belongs to Al-Nusra Front or ISIS will be discovered inthese towns will be killed immediately.

In the same context, a delegation of notables of Yarmouk camp and head of the civil Council 'Fawzi Hamid' visited Yalda area to resolve the problem closing the road.

It is worth mentioning that the only port of food and aid entry to the camp's trapped residents is Yalda area, but the armed opposition groups accused ISIS and Al Nusra in the Yarmouk camp and Al Hajar Al Aswad  the assassination of many of its members and a number of activists in Yalda.

On the other hand, the head of the PLO Political Department, Ambassador Anwar Abdul Hadi, said that the Syrian government agreed to the burial of dead people who are displaced in the Yarmouk refugee camp in Yarmouk cemetery.

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