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Beating, Shabeh, and Boiled Water… a Palestinian Refugee Talks about Torture Means in the Prisons of the Syrian Regime

Published : 02-08-2015

Beating, Shabeh, and Boiled Water… a Palestinian Refugee Talks about Torture Means in the Prisons of the Syrian Regime

Documentation of Detainees and Missing Palestinians Center in Syria published a new testimony about detention and torture in the branches of the security and intelligence services of the Syrian regime. The testimony given by the young man, Yaman, a resident of the Yarmouk refugee camp, and a student at the University of (Baath) in Homs, and was arrested by a Syrian security checkpoint in the neighboring city of Hama, talked about a year and a half he spent inside the Syrian prisons, which was mostly in the so-called Palestine Branch - 235.

Yaman remembers many details about the torture he suffered in the cellars of the so-called Palestine Branch; he speaks about the moment of his arrival to the branch where he was taken to an underground solitary dark cell with no light or air And an area of​approximate (2.5 × 1.5 meters), which contains ten to twenty detainees.

He also spoke about the status of detainees in the cell, he said "We slept on top of each other or alternating in sleep; for example: six detainees slept and six others remain standing for a short time and then switched to sleep in shifts because the cell is not sufficient for half our numbers."

He adds: "We were completely naked in the cell, and we were allowed to go out to the baths for (30 seconds) once or twice a day, and sometimes we were deprived of going out as a punishment."

About the methods of torture Yaman confirms that "detainees being subjected to all types and methods of daily torture, he says," after the jailer call on one of the detainees, we begin to pray for him, as we do not have anything else to do. "

He adds, "After the return of the detainee from the investigation, he becomes exhausted and his body is filled with blood as a result of torture and beatings with sticks, electric shocks, pouring boiling water, Shabeh, and torture by putting the detainees in a car tire, and dozens of detainees died in the cell days after their return from the investigation."

Yaman remembers saying byan investigator called (Abu Salim) says, "Heused to tell us that if it is up to us, we would prevent you to die and keep you alive in order to torture and kill you a thousand times."

He also confirms being suffered of many means of torture; such as Shabeh, pouring boiling water on his body, electric shocks, and random beatings what led to the break of his hand and leg, also sustained bruises on his head and all his body. He was left in the cell without medical care; as he was tortured to force him confess accusations against him which he did not commit.

He adds: "One of the guards called (Wesam),one day when we were pray in a group inside the cell and curse them, he heard us and came to the cell started beating us randomly and I was almost die as a result of his barbaric assaulting ".

He talks about another case, the detainees were punished severely, which is "When the American battleships arrived to the Mediterranean to start a military operation in Syria in August 2013, the jailer used to enter the cell and start to beat us indiscriminately, as well as they deprived is from drinking water for several days.

Yaman adds": We learned this news from one a detainee who entered the solitary cell, and we believed that everything happens outside will reflect negatively on us and we will be beaten and tortured as if we were the doers. "

Yaman talks about the psychological torture and says, "The investigation was conducted with the detainees at a floor where women and children, and we could hear their voices and that was for psychologically torment."

About the status of women inside the prison, Yaman adds, "One day, one of the prisoners were punished and they put him with us in the cell, we asked him about women and children if they were tortured, he told us that the status of women is no better than young men. There are women give birth within the cells, and keep the child with his mother until her death or exit; he also told us about many cases of rape and immoral torture against women to put pressure on them in order to recognize the charges against them. "

It is worth mentioning that the AGPS had documented the data of (934) detained Palestinians, including 54 women who were arrested by the Syrian regime and patrols checkpoints.

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Documentation of Detainees and Missing Palestinians Center in Syria published a new testimony about detention and torture in the branches of the security and intelligence services of the Syrian regime. The testimony given by the young man, Yaman, a resident of the Yarmouk refugee camp, and a student at the University of (Baath) in Homs, and was arrested by a Syrian security checkpoint in the neighboring city of Hama, talked about a year and a half he spent inside the Syrian prisons, which was mostly in the so-called Palestine Branch - 235.

Yaman remembers many details about the torture he suffered in the cellars of the so-called Palestine Branch; he speaks about the moment of his arrival to the branch where he was taken to an underground solitary dark cell with no light or air And an area of​approximate (2.5 × 1.5 meters), which contains ten to twenty detainees.

He also spoke about the status of detainees in the cell, he said "We slept on top of each other or alternating in sleep; for example: six detainees slept and six others remain standing for a short time and then switched to sleep in shifts because the cell is not sufficient for half our numbers."

He adds: "We were completely naked in the cell, and we were allowed to go out to the baths for (30 seconds) once or twice a day, and sometimes we were deprived of going out as a punishment."

About the methods of torture Yaman confirms that "detainees being subjected to all types and methods of daily torture, he says," after the jailer call on one of the detainees, we begin to pray for him, as we do not have anything else to do. "

He adds, "After the return of the detainee from the investigation, he becomes exhausted and his body is filled with blood as a result of torture and beatings with sticks, electric shocks, pouring boiling water, Shabeh, and torture by putting the detainees in a car tire, and dozens of detainees died in the cell days after their return from the investigation."

Yaman remembers saying byan investigator called (Abu Salim) says, "Heused to tell us that if it is up to us, we would prevent you to die and keep you alive in order to torture and kill you a thousand times."

He also confirms being suffered of many means of torture; such as Shabeh, pouring boiling water on his body, electric shocks, and random beatings what led to the break of his hand and leg, also sustained bruises on his head and all his body. He was left in the cell without medical care; as he was tortured to force him confess accusations against him which he did not commit.

He adds: "One of the guards called (Wesam),one day when we were pray in a group inside the cell and curse them, he heard us and came to the cell started beating us randomly and I was almost die as a result of his barbaric assaulting ".

He talks about another case, the detainees were punished severely, which is "When the American battleships arrived to the Mediterranean to start a military operation in Syria in August 2013, the jailer used to enter the cell and start to beat us indiscriminately, as well as they deprived is from drinking water for several days.

Yaman adds": We learned this news from one a detainee who entered the solitary cell, and we believed that everything happens outside will reflect negatively on us and we will be beaten and tortured as if we were the doers. "

Yaman talks about the psychological torture and says, "The investigation was conducted with the detainees at a floor where women and children, and we could hear their voices and that was for psychologically torment."

About the status of women inside the prison, Yaman adds, "One day, one of the prisoners were punished and they put him with us in the cell, we asked him about women and children if they were tortured, he told us that the status of women is no better than young men. There are women give birth within the cells, and keep the child with his mother until her death or exit; he also told us about many cases of rape and immoral torture against women to put pressure on them in order to recognize the charges against them. "

It is worth mentioning that the AGPS had documented the data of (934) detained Palestinians, including 54 women who were arrested by the Syrian regime and patrols checkpoints.

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