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Indirect Calls Between "ISIS" and "Al-Nusra Front" and the Syrian regime through the Palestinian Liberation Organization

Published : 03-08-2015

Indirect Calls Between "ISIS" and "Al-Nusra Front" and the Syrian regime through the Palestinian Liberation Organization

Sporadic clashes still continuous in Yarmouk between Palestinian armed groups and ISIS alongside Al-Nusra Front, causing no significant progress for both sides.

Meanwhile, ISIS still controls 60% of the camp, while the regular army and armed groups control 40%.

MR.Khaled Abdel Majid, Secretary of the Palestinian Factions Alliance close to the Syrian regime confirmed "indirect" contacts between ISIS and Al-Nusra Front and the Syrian regime.

This was during a press interview with Al Ghad website in Amman last Thursday; he added," The PLO entered mediation between the two parties in the meantime of conducting negotiations this month with the two organizations to discuss their withdrawal from the Yarmouk refugee camp."

He also explained that "ISIS" and "victory" request "the withdrawal of 1100 armed fighters from the southern region, which includes Yarmouk, AlhajarAlaswad, and Altadamon, in condition to keep their weapons with them, with the regularization of other numbers of them who will remain based on the completion of reconciliation."

Mr. Abdel Majid stated that "the Syrian regime agreed to the withdrawal of armed groups without their weapons, therefore the regime rejected their departure with their weapons, and noted that" the organization sent out, during this month, delegates for dialogue and negotiation with "ISIS", but they have not achieved any result, as ISIS continued to attack the camp."

Adding that" coalition factions' forces held several meetings to assess connections, and concluded the efficacy of its continuity," what constitutes a" dispute with some factions that takes the negotiations as the only way to address the Yarmouk crisis, while it constitutes an enough opportunity for insurgents breathtaking before launching a new attack. "

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Sporadic clashes still continuous in Yarmouk between Palestinian armed groups and ISIS alongside Al-Nusra Front, causing no significant progress for both sides.

Meanwhile, ISIS still controls 60% of the camp, while the regular army and armed groups control 40%.

MR.Khaled Abdel Majid, Secretary of the Palestinian Factions Alliance close to the Syrian regime confirmed "indirect" contacts between ISIS and Al-Nusra Front and the Syrian regime.

This was during a press interview with Al Ghad website in Amman last Thursday; he added," The PLO entered mediation between the two parties in the meantime of conducting negotiations this month with the two organizations to discuss their withdrawal from the Yarmouk refugee camp."

He also explained that "ISIS" and "victory" request "the withdrawal of 1100 armed fighters from the southern region, which includes Yarmouk, AlhajarAlaswad, and Altadamon, in condition to keep their weapons with them, with the regularization of other numbers of them who will remain based on the completion of reconciliation."

Mr. Abdel Majid stated that "the Syrian regime agreed to the withdrawal of armed groups without their weapons, therefore the regime rejected their departure with their weapons, and noted that" the organization sent out, during this month, delegates for dialogue and negotiation with "ISIS", but they have not achieved any result, as ISIS continued to attack the camp."

Adding that" coalition factions' forces held several meetings to assess connections, and concluded the efficacy of its continuity," what constitutes a" dispute with some factions that takes the negotiations as the only way to address the Yarmouk crisis, while it constitutes an enough opportunity for insurgents breathtaking before launching a new attack. "

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