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Fears of ISIS Breaking into the Yarmouk Camp in Damascus.

Published : 03-01-2015

Fears of ISIS Breaking into the Yarmouk Camp in Damascus.

After ISIS controlled Al Zain neighborhood south of the Yarmouk camp five days ago, a state of fear prevailed the residents, factions, and groups affiliated to the Syrian armed opposition inside the camp for fear of that ISIS will break into the camp and control it, making these groups in a constant state of alert in the neighboring area of Zain neighborhood so as to prevent any proceed towards the camp.

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After ISIS controlled Al Zain neighborhood south of the Yarmouk camp five days ago, a state of fear prevailed the residents, factions, and groups affiliated to the Syrian armed opposition inside the camp for fear of that ISIS will break into the camp and control it, making these groups in a constant state of alert in the neighboring area of Zain neighborhood so as to prevent any proceed towards the camp.

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