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ISIS Executes a Relief Activist from Yarmouk by Shooting

Published : 04-08-2015

ISIS Executes a Relief Activist from Yarmouk by Shooting

Social media pages, which concern about transporting Yarmouk news, shared news about ISIS execution of the activist relief "Iyad Ayoub" from the Yarmouk camp who was shot dead after being arrested by ISIS for about two months ago while trying to get out of the camp to Yalda area, while the AGPS could not assure the news from other sources.

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Social media pages, which concern about transporting Yarmouk news, shared news about ISIS execution of the activist relief "Iyad Ayoub" from the Yarmouk camp who was shot dead after being arrested by ISIS for about two months ago while trying to get out of the camp to Yalda area, while the AGPS could not assure the news from other sources.

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