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Victims until today


Shelling at Yarmouk Camp and Institutions End Hygiene Campaign

Published : 05-08-2015

Shelling at Yarmouk Camp and Institutions End Hygiene Campaign

A missile was dropped at the vicinity of Rija Square in the Yarmouk camp, while violent clashes broke out between the regular army and armed opposition groups inside the camp.

Several institutions and bodies working within the Yarmouk refugee camp end hygiene campaign launched about two weeks ago, where they compiled and removed garbage from the streets and lanes of the camp to the landfill was provided by the Services Office of the camp.

The campaign comes after a number of specialists warning from the spread of diseases, particularly with the significant rise temperatures due to the accumulation of garbage.

It is noteworthy that most of relief agencies suspended their work inside the camp since the storming of the so-called ISIS into the Yarmouk refugee camp on early April, fearing for the lives of activists who have been threatened with death and detention.

Meanwhile, the rest of them is working with its minimum capacity and modestly due to weak possibilities, in light of the continuation of Syrian army and GC imposing a siege for (763)days respectively.

In addition, power cuts for more than (833) days, and water for 323 days respectively, while the number of siege victims raised to (177) refugees, as well as the continuous control of ISIS and Al Nusra over about 60% of the camp.

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A missile was dropped at the vicinity of Rija Square in the Yarmouk camp, while violent clashes broke out between the regular army and armed opposition groups inside the camp.

Several institutions and bodies working within the Yarmouk refugee camp end hygiene campaign launched about two weeks ago, where they compiled and removed garbage from the streets and lanes of the camp to the landfill was provided by the Services Office of the camp.

The campaign comes after a number of specialists warning from the spread of diseases, particularly with the significant rise temperatures due to the accumulation of garbage.

It is noteworthy that most of relief agencies suspended their work inside the camp since the storming of the so-called ISIS into the Yarmouk refugee camp on early April, fearing for the lives of activists who have been threatened with death and detention.

Meanwhile, the rest of them is working with its minimum capacity and modestly due to weak possibilities, in light of the continuation of Syrian army and GC imposing a siege for (763)days respectively.

In addition, power cuts for more than (833) days, and water for 323 days respectively, while the number of siege victims raised to (177) refugees, as well as the continuous control of ISIS and Al Nusra over about 60% of the camp.

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