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Syrian Security Continues to Arrest Hundreds of Palestinian Refugees, Including Infants, Children, Women and Elderly People

Published : 05-08-2015

Syrian Security Continues to Arrest Hundreds of Palestinian Refugees, Including Infants, Children, Women and Elderly People

Syrian security services continue to arrest more than 1,000 Palestinian refugees detained in its jails, including children, women, elderly, brothers, fathers, sons, and entire families; hundreds of them died due to torture.

Among those detained Palestinian refugees, the 15-year-Palestinian child, "Mustafa Ali Ayoub" who was arrested after raiding his house in the Yarmouk refugee camp adjacent to Al Tadamon neighborhood on 05.10.2012, and six months after his arrest a released detainee reported news that the child is at one of the Syrian security branches, and since that time there have been no news about him and his fate.

Syrian security also continues to arrest the Palestinian refugee "Mohammed Mustafa al-Kilani," who was born in 1950 and was arrested by the Syrian regime forces from Mazza area in Damascus on 01.08.2014, while security forces continue detaining ten Palestinian refugees from the same family since 12- 6-2013, They are:

Mahira Mohammed Amayri, Hadeel Mahmoud Amayri, Aseel  Mahmoud Amayri, Widad Mahmoud Amayri, Razan Mahmoud Amayri, Suhair Mohammed Amayri, Maysa Jamal Idris, Firas Walid Desouki, and his children Hamza Firas Desouki andHala Firas Desouki."

The ten refugees were arrested by members of Nisreen Street checkpoint of the regular army at Altadamon neighborhood.

It is worth mentioning that testimonies of the released detainees from the Syrian prisons confirmed the presence of babies in the arms of their mothers of Palestinian refugees in the Syrian security branches.

The AGPS documented 933 Palestinian refugees detained in Syrian prisons, including 53 Palestinian refugees, anything about their fate is unknown yet, as well as 408 victims of Palestinian refugees who died due to torture, and their bodies were not delivered to their relatives.

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Syrian security services continue to arrest more than 1,000 Palestinian refugees detained in its jails, including children, women, elderly, brothers, fathers, sons, and entire families; hundreds of them died due to torture.

Among those detained Palestinian refugees, the 15-year-Palestinian child, "Mustafa Ali Ayoub" who was arrested after raiding his house in the Yarmouk refugee camp adjacent to Al Tadamon neighborhood on 05.10.2012, and six months after his arrest a released detainee reported news that the child is at one of the Syrian security branches, and since that time there have been no news about him and his fate.

Syrian security also continues to arrest the Palestinian refugee "Mohammed Mustafa al-Kilani," who was born in 1950 and was arrested by the Syrian regime forces from Mazza area in Damascus on 01.08.2014, while security forces continue detaining ten Palestinian refugees from the same family since 12- 6-2013, They are:

Mahira Mohammed Amayri, Hadeel Mahmoud Amayri, Aseel  Mahmoud Amayri, Widad Mahmoud Amayri, Razan Mahmoud Amayri, Suhair Mohammed Amayri, Maysa Jamal Idris, Firas Walid Desouki, and his children Hamza Firas Desouki andHala Firas Desouki."

The ten refugees were arrested by members of Nisreen Street checkpoint of the regular army at Altadamon neighborhood.

It is worth mentioning that testimonies of the released detainees from the Syrian prisons confirmed the presence of babies in the arms of their mothers of Palestinian refugees in the Syrian security branches.

The AGPS documented 933 Palestinian refugees detained in Syrian prisons, including 53 Palestinian refugees, anything about their fate is unknown yet, as well as 408 victims of Palestinian refugees who died due to torture, and their bodies were not delivered to their relatives.

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