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AGPS Issues the English Version of the report "Yarmouk Camp, the Full Truth"

Published : 06-08-2015

AGPS Issues the English Version of the report "Yarmouk Camp, the Full Truth"

The AGPS issued the English version of the report "Yarmouk Camp, the Full Truth" this morning.

This research monitors the most important events suffered by the Yarmouk refugee camp, for being the largest Palestinian refugee camp, from March 2011 till the end of May 2015 through three main sections which dealt with the evolution of the Yarmouk crisis through two major phases.  The first phase is before 16th of December 2012; the date of targeting the camp with 'MIG' warplanes and the second phase is post-December 17, 2012; the date of the Yarmouk population displacement.

In addition, the research highlighted the Yarmouk refugee camp in terms of location, foundation, and strategic importance for Damascus and its suburbs, as well as the numbers of victims of the Yarmouk refugee camp since the beginning of events in Syria until the end of last May. The research addressed the beginnings of forming civil committees for the Defense of Yarmoukcamp, which was between rejection and acceptance by residents and some Palestinian factions, and explained how armed battalions entered Yarmouk.

The 60-page-report talked about total and partial siege imposed on the Yarmouk camp by the regular army and the Palestinian factions, and its implications and negative effects on the camp's residents, where it focused on the initiatives of lifting the Yarmouk siege.

The report allocated a special section for ISIS control over Yarmouk, causes, motives, and results, and the accompanied violations, and international, regional, and Palestinian.responses.

In conclusion, the report came out with several conclusions and recommendations; the most important is: lifting the siege, return of residents, and providing protection to refugees as stipulated in international conventions and the Universal Charter of Human Rights.

It is noteworthy that this search was based on field reports that were documented by the Action Group for Palestinians of Syria through its correspondents' network in the Palestinian camps and compounds.


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To download the English version, click here

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The AGPS issued the English version of the report "Yarmouk Camp, the Full Truth" this morning.

This research monitors the most important events suffered by the Yarmouk refugee camp, for being the largest Palestinian refugee camp, from March 2011 till the end of May 2015 through three main sections which dealt with the evolution of the Yarmouk crisis through two major phases.  The first phase is before 16th of December 2012; the date of targeting the camp with 'MIG' warplanes and the second phase is post-December 17, 2012; the date of the Yarmouk population displacement.

In addition, the research highlighted the Yarmouk refugee camp in terms of location, foundation, and strategic importance for Damascus and its suburbs, as well as the numbers of victims of the Yarmouk refugee camp since the beginning of events in Syria until the end of last May. The research addressed the beginnings of forming civil committees for the Defense of Yarmoukcamp, which was between rejection and acceptance by residents and some Palestinian factions, and explained how armed battalions entered Yarmouk.

The 60-page-report talked about total and partial siege imposed on the Yarmouk camp by the regular army and the Palestinian factions, and its implications and negative effects on the camp's residents, where it focused on the initiatives of lifting the Yarmouk siege.

The report allocated a special section for ISIS control over Yarmouk, causes, motives, and results, and the accompanied violations, and international, regional, and Palestinian.responses.

In conclusion, the report came out with several conclusions and recommendations; the most important is: lifting the siege, return of residents, and providing protection to refugees as stipulated in international conventions and the Universal Charter of Human Rights.

It is noteworthy that this search was based on field reports that were documented by the Action Group for Palestinians of Syria through its correspondents' network in the Palestinian camps and compounds.


To download the Arabic version, click here

To download the English version, click here

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