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Violent Clashes in Yarmouk and Continuation of Activities of "Save the Besieged Yarmouk Camp "

Published : 11-08-2015

Violent Clashes in Yarmouk and Continuation of Activities of "Save the Besieged Yarmouk Camp "

Violent clashes broke out on several contact lines in Yarmouk, south of the Syrian capital Damascus, yesterday between the Syrian army alongside groups loyal to it and armed opposition groups. The pro-regime groups stationed in Alqaa' buildings fired explosive bullets by medium weapons toward Thalathein Street, coincided with sound of explosions rocked parts of the camp turned out to be resulted of the GC bombing that targeted a number of buildings on Rama Road.

In a different context, and within the activities of "Save the Yarmouk besieged camp," which was called for by institutions and agencies working in the camp a few days ago, a session for the disabled and elderly was held in the youth support center, as well as drawing  activity for Yarmouk children in the youth support Center at Madares Street.

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Violent clashes broke out on several contact lines in Yarmouk, south of the Syrian capital Damascus, yesterday between the Syrian army alongside groups loyal to it and armed opposition groups. The pro-regime groups stationed in Alqaa' buildings fired explosive bullets by medium weapons toward Thalathein Street, coincided with sound of explosions rocked parts of the camp turned out to be resulted of the GC bombing that targeted a number of buildings on Rama Road.

In a different context, and within the activities of "Save the Yarmouk besieged camp," which was called for by institutions and agencies working in the camp a few days ago, a session for the disabled and elderly was held in the youth support center, as well as drawing  activity for Yarmouk children in the youth support Center at Madares Street.

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