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5 Palestinian Victims Died in Syria, Including Two Brothers Died due to Torture

Published : 13-08-2015

5 Palestinian Victims Died in Syria, Including Two Brothers Died due to Torture

The two brothers, "Ibrahim and Ayman Khazaee" from Yarmouk-Alorouba Street died under torture in the prisons of the Syrian regime, after being detained for about more than a year and a half, bringing the statistics of torture victims documented by the AGPS to "410" Palestinian victims.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian female refugee "Mona Fathi Shehadeh" from Jaramana camp also died by shells' shrapnel that was fired by the Syrian opposition groups on various parts of the capital, Damascus.

The Palestinian young man Mahmoud Shammout, a resident of Yarmouk in Yalda, also died by sniper shot of Al-Nusra Front stationed in buildings opposite to the town of Yalda adjacent to the camp. It was mentioned that he is the fifth of his family members, including his father, who died earlier by the Syrian army and its affiliated groups.

The Palestinian refugee "Ihab Ahmed Mezal" died while participating in the fighting alongside the armed opposition groups, after they tried to storm the barracks of the Syrian army in Alhoboub barracks within the so-called "south storm" battle.


* The two brothers, "Ibrahim and Ayman Khazaee"

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The two brothers, "Ibrahim and Ayman Khazaee" from Yarmouk-Alorouba Street died under torture in the prisons of the Syrian regime, after being detained for about more than a year and a half, bringing the statistics of torture victims documented by the AGPS to "410" Palestinian victims.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian female refugee "Mona Fathi Shehadeh" from Jaramana camp also died by shells' shrapnel that was fired by the Syrian opposition groups on various parts of the capital, Damascus.

The Palestinian young man Mahmoud Shammout, a resident of Yarmouk in Yalda, also died by sniper shot of Al-Nusra Front stationed in buildings opposite to the town of Yalda adjacent to the camp. It was mentioned that he is the fifth of his family members, including his father, who died earlier by the Syrian army and its affiliated groups.

The Palestinian refugee "Ihab Ahmed Mezal" died while participating in the fighting alongside the armed opposition groups, after they tried to storm the barracks of the Syrian army in Alhoboub barracks within the so-called "south storm" battle.


* The two brothers, "Ibrahim and Ayman Khazaee"

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