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After More than 2974 Victims, Fatah Movement Re-opens its Offices in Damascus

Published : 14-08-2015

After More than 2974 Victims, Fatah Movement Re-opens its Offices in Damascus

Palestinian media reported that Fatah movement (the storm) re-opened its offices in Damascus, after a break that lasted for more than 32 years, after the Syrian regime approval to the reopening of the movement's offices, and after accrediting Dr. Samir Rifaito be the movement dependent in Syria.

This comes after the death of (2974) Palestinian refugees in Syria, including 411 refugees died under torture in the Syrian regime's prisons, and 180 refugees died because of the siege imposed on Yarmouk by the regular Syrian army and PFGC groups.

Many Palestinian activists in Syria denounced that and expressed their wonder of what they described as reconciliation on the blood of refugees in the Palestinian camps in Syria.

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Palestinian media reported that Fatah movement (the storm) re-opened its offices in Damascus, after a break that lasted for more than 32 years, after the Syrian regime approval to the reopening of the movement's offices, and after accrediting Dr. Samir Rifaito be the movement dependent in Syria.

This comes after the death of (2974) Palestinian refugees in Syria, including 411 refugees died under torture in the Syrian regime's prisons, and 180 refugees died because of the siege imposed on Yarmouk by the regular Syrian army and PFGC groups.

Many Palestinian activists in Syria denounced that and expressed their wonder of what they described as reconciliation on the blood of refugees in the Palestinian camps in Syria.

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