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Power and water Return to Neirab after Seven Days Cut

Published : 17-08-2015

Power and water Return to Neirab after Seven Days Cut

In Aleppo, the AGPS correspondent reported the return of Power and water to Al Nairab camp after being cut for a week, the reporter mentioned that power and water cut was due to the decreasing of gas pressure at the power plant that led to stop the plant, in addition to the difficulty to reach the maintenance workers to this plant due to the deteriorated security situation in the plant area.

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In Aleppo, the AGPS correspondent reported the return of Power and water to Al Nairab camp after being cut for a week, the reporter mentioned that power and water cut was due to the decreasing of gas pressure at the power plant that led to stop the plant, in addition to the difficulty to reach the maintenance workers to this plant due to the deteriorated security situation in the plant area.

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