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Volunteering Medical Efforts at the Yarmouk Camp to Alleviate the Suffering of the Besieged Residents.

Published : 05-01-2015

Volunteering Medical Efforts at the Yarmouk Camp to Alleviate the Suffering of the Besieged Residents.

The remain medical cadres inside the camp are working, with volunteer efforts, to fill the significant lack of ambulatory and nursing teams of paramedics and trainers, which was caused by the siege that prevent the entry of teams, people and medical supplies

The PRC is working on top of those cadres, since it previously qualified a number of medical staff, and announced in the new year, that it will start a course of rehabilitation first aid coaches in the auditorium in Palestine hospital, the only in the camp, which works with its minimum capacity

This comes in light of news about the infection of a mother and her child with jaundice due to the lack of the necessary treatments for it, which threatens the prevalence of chronic diseases and epidemics among the people of the camp and repeated death scenario of starvation and lack of medical care, if they continued the siege, which killed 158 people since the beginning of the siege on the camp.

It is noteworthy that the medical and emergency teams seek with vigorous and voluntary efforts to mitigate the effects and consequences of diseases, and has several children and adult vaccination campaigns, as well as health awareness campaigns among the parts of the camp, as well as water sterilization campaigns, which included most of the camp areas.

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The remain medical cadres inside the camp are working, with volunteer efforts, to fill the significant lack of ambulatory and nursing teams of paramedics and trainers, which was caused by the siege that prevent the entry of teams, people and medical supplies

The PRC is working on top of those cadres, since it previously qualified a number of medical staff, and announced in the new year, that it will start a course of rehabilitation first aid coaches in the auditorium in Palestine hospital, the only in the camp, which works with its minimum capacity

This comes in light of news about the infection of a mother and her child with jaundice due to the lack of the necessary treatments for it, which threatens the prevalence of chronic diseases and epidemics among the people of the camp and repeated death scenario of starvation and lack of medical care, if they continued the siege, which killed 158 people since the beginning of the siege on the camp.

It is noteworthy that the medical and emergency teams seek with vigorous and voluntary efforts to mitigate the effects and consequences of diseases, and has several children and adult vaccination campaigns, as well as health awareness campaigns among the parts of the camp, as well as water sterilization campaigns, which included most of the camp areas.

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