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Sterilize Campaign for Water Wells in Yarmouk after 343 Days Cut for the Besieged People

Published : 25-08-2015

Sterilize Campaign for Water Wells in Yarmouk after 343 Days Cut for the Besieged People

In the south of the Syrian capital Damascus, youth and volunteers Department and the Association of Palestinian Scouts and Guides at the Yarmouk camp implemented a3-day- campaign for sterilizing water after contamination of drinking water in the camp.

The regular army and the General Command groups continue to cut drinking water for 343 days respectively, while residents of the camp seek to secure water from distant places, although it is contaminated water.

It is noteworthy that the International Committee of the Red Cross and UNRWA (UN) has been able to enter sterilization materials to the Yarmouk refugee camp after Syrian security approval, but it continues to ban the introduction of drugs and medical supplies.

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In the south of the Syrian capital Damascus, youth and volunteers Department and the Association of Palestinian Scouts and Guides at the Yarmouk camp implemented a3-day- campaign for sterilizing water after contamination of drinking water in the camp.

The regular army and the General Command groups continue to cut drinking water for 343 days respectively, while residents of the camp seek to secure water from distant places, although it is contaminated water.

It is noteworthy that the International Committee of the Red Cross and UNRWA (UN) has been able to enter sterilization materials to the Yarmouk refugee camp after Syrian security approval, but it continues to ban the introduction of drugs and medical supplies.

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