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The Continuous Siege Increases the Suffering of Hundreds of Displaced Palestinian Families in Qudseya

Published : 27-08-2015

The Continuous Siege Increases the Suffering of Hundreds of Displaced Palestinian Families in Qudseya

In Damascus Suburb, the suffering of hundreds of the displaced Palestinian families, who were displaced from Yarmouk camp and other camps, was increased at Qudseya area due to the continuation of siege that is imposed on this area by the Syrian Army since 23rd of July 2015. The siege was due to the kidnap one of the Syrian Security member by the Opposition groups, the siege was negatively reflected on the situation of the residents and the displaced Palestinian refugees and they suffer of securing the bread and food materials.

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In Damascus Suburb, the suffering of hundreds of the displaced Palestinian families, who were displaced from Yarmouk camp and other camps, was increased at Qudseya area due to the continuation of siege that is imposed on this area by the Syrian Army since 23rd of July 2015. The siege was due to the kidnap one of the Syrian Security member by the Opposition groups, the siege was negatively reflected on the situation of the residents and the displaced Palestinian refugees and they suffer of securing the bread and food materials.

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