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Medical Sit-in in Yarmouk Demanding Medicine and Medical Equipment Entry after the Spread of Chronic Diseases

Published : 02-09-2015

Medical Sit-in in Yarmouk Demanding Medicine and Medical Equipment Entry after the Spread of Chronic Diseases

The PRCS medical staff organized a sit-in yesterday in front of Albasil hospital in Yarmouk demanding UNRWA, International Red Cross, Syrian Red Crescent, and medical and humanitarian organizations to enter medicine and medical supplies to the camp due to the deterioration of health situation, the severe shortage of medicines, and the spread of many chronic diseases, typhoid, and jaundice, in addition to the high numbers of affected residents.

It is worth mentioning that activists from inside the camp previously appealed the international human rights agencies, namely International Red Cross and Syrian Red Crescent to enter anti medications for patients with jaundice and typhus to the besieged camp.

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The PRCS medical staff organized a sit-in yesterday in front of Albasil hospital in Yarmouk demanding UNRWA, International Red Cross, Syrian Red Crescent, and medical and humanitarian organizations to enter medicine and medical supplies to the camp due to the deterioration of health situation, the severe shortage of medicines, and the spread of many chronic diseases, typhoid, and jaundice, in addition to the high numbers of affected residents.

It is worth mentioning that activists from inside the camp previously appealed the international human rights agencies, namely International Red Cross and Syrian Red Crescent to enter anti medications for patients with jaundice and typhus to the besieged camp.

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