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A Resident of the Yarmouk Camp Dies Due to Wounds in Clashes at Ain al-Hilweh Camp a Few Days Ago

Published : 03-09-2015

A Resident of the Yarmouk Camp Dies Due to Wounds in Clashes at Ain al-Hilweh Camp a Few Days Ago

The Palestinian Syrian refugee Mazin Muneer Saleh died due to wounds he attained during clashes at Ein Al-Hilweh camp in Lebanon several days ago between Fatah and Jund Alsham. Mr. Saleh was transferred to Labib medical center in the city of Sidon south Lebanon in order to receive treatment, while he was displaced with his wife from Yarmouk to Ein Al-Hilweh camp in Lebanon.

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The Palestinian Syrian refugee Mazin Muneer Saleh died due to wounds he attained during clashes at Ein Al-Hilweh camp in Lebanon several days ago between Fatah and Jund Alsham. Mr. Saleh was transferred to Labib medical center in the city of Sidon south Lebanon in order to receive treatment, while he was displaced with his wife from Yarmouk to Ein Al-Hilweh camp in Lebanon.

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