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Sniping among Opposition Groups Lead to Injuries and the Closure of the Road between Yalda and Yarmouk

Published : 06-09-2015

Sniping among Opposition Groups Lead to Injuries and the Closure of the Road between Yalda and Yarmouk

The Yarmouk refugee camp witnessed yesterday sniper exchanged between opposition groups in the town of Yalda and Alnusra alongside ISIS. Snipping resulted in the injury of the Palestinian refugee "Maher Shihabi" in the Yarmouk refugee camp, and two injuries in the town of Yalda, followed by closure of the crossing border, which links between the neighboring Yalda and Yarmouk.

It is noteworthy that the road between the Yarmouk camp and Yalda is the only port that connects between families of the Palestinian refugee and the towns of Babbila, Yalda, and Beit Sahem, while food and medical aid enters through it.

The regular army and PFGC groups impose a strict siege on the Yarmouk refugee camp for more than (795) days, which exacerbating health and living conditions in the camp, especially after the storming of ISIS early last April.

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The Yarmouk refugee camp witnessed yesterday sniper exchanged between opposition groups in the town of Yalda and Alnusra alongside ISIS. Snipping resulted in the injury of the Palestinian refugee "Maher Shihabi" in the Yarmouk refugee camp, and two injuries in the town of Yalda, followed by closure of the crossing border, which links between the neighboring Yalda and Yarmouk.

It is noteworthy that the road between the Yarmouk camp and Yalda is the only port that connects between families of the Palestinian refugee and the towns of Babbila, Yalda, and Beit Sahem, while food and medical aid enters through it.

The regular army and PFGC groups impose a strict siege on the Yarmouk refugee camp for more than (795) days, which exacerbating health and living conditions in the camp, especially after the storming of ISIS early last April.

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