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Besieged People of Yarmouk Appeal Opposition Forces to Open Yelda-Yarmouk Checkpoint

Published : 09-09-2015

Besieged People of Yarmouk Appeal Opposition Forces to Open Yelda-Yarmouk Checkpoint

Civil activities and the rest of Yarmouk Residents, south of the Syrian capital Damascus, carried out a sit-in in front of Youth Support Center at Almad ares Street under the title (Yalda - Babbila - House Sahem...Can Charity be Met but by Charity).

The set-in came in response to the repeated violations against people of Yarmouk, and a rejection of the continued closure of the only road between the camp and the surrounding areas by the Syrian armed opposition forces in Yalda area, where the road between the camp and Yalda had been closed several times by armed groups.

On July 15, 2015, the Syrian opposition armed groups in the town of Yalda, prevented the entry of food into the Yarmouk refugee camp, and the decision came according to these groups after the death of three fighters of Sham Alrasoul brigade by a member of ISIS, who escaped to Yarmouk.

On July 29, 2015, Yalda checkpoint of the Syrian armed opposition groups closed the road between the Yarmouk camp and Yalda area, after disagreements between ISIS and Nusra in the Yarmouk camp and armed opposition groups in Yalda.

A statement was issued by the Shura Council of (Yalda - Babbila - Beit Sahem) towns confirmed the closure of all roads between all these towns on the one hand and between the Yarmouk camp and Alhajar Al Aswad on the other hand, but one humanitarian way.

The statement pointed out that this road will be subject to a large security inspection and checks for men and women, and prevents the entry of military factions' members whatever their affiliation only after being searched.

Shura Council explained that these procedures were the result of what have been suffered by the people of the three towns recently; such as assassination and targeting with bombs and mines by extremists and insurgents, as described by the statement.

The most recent targeting was the assassination of imams in Yalda, while the statement also stressed that any member belonging to Al-Nusra Front or ISIS discover in these towns will be killed immediately.

In this context, a delegation of notables of the Yarmouk camp and head of the civil Council, Fawzi Hamid, visited Yalda area in order to solve the problem of road closure.

On September 6, a number of Syrian armed opposition groups, located in Yalda town adjacent to Yarmouk, issued a statement in which it announced the closure of (Yalda- Yarmouk)road so as to punish ISIS for storming Alqadam neighborhood, according to the statement.

The opposition forces reopened Yalda checkpoint after a visit to Yalda area by a delegation from the institutions and bodies operating office in the camp, where the delegation met with elders of the town, and it was agreed on the need to separate the civil status of any ongoing military conflict in the region.

It is worth mentioning that the only port of food and aid entry to the besieged people of the camp is Yalda area, but the armed opposition groups accuse ISIS and Nusra in the Yarmouk camp and Alhajar  Alaswad of assassination of many of its members and a number of activists in Yalda.

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Civil activities and the rest of Yarmouk Residents, south of the Syrian capital Damascus, carried out a sit-in in front of Youth Support Center at Almad ares Street under the title (Yalda - Babbila - House Sahem...Can Charity be Met but by Charity).

The set-in came in response to the repeated violations against people of Yarmouk, and a rejection of the continued closure of the only road between the camp and the surrounding areas by the Syrian armed opposition forces in Yalda area, where the road between the camp and Yalda had been closed several times by armed groups.

On July 15, 2015, the Syrian opposition armed groups in the town of Yalda, prevented the entry of food into the Yarmouk refugee camp, and the decision came according to these groups after the death of three fighters of Sham Alrasoul brigade by a member of ISIS, who escaped to Yarmouk.

On July 29, 2015, Yalda checkpoint of the Syrian armed opposition groups closed the road between the Yarmouk camp and Yalda area, after disagreements between ISIS and Nusra in the Yarmouk camp and armed opposition groups in Yalda.

A statement was issued by the Shura Council of (Yalda - Babbila - Beit Sahem) towns confirmed the closure of all roads between all these towns on the one hand and between the Yarmouk camp and Alhajar Al Aswad on the other hand, but one humanitarian way.

The statement pointed out that this road will be subject to a large security inspection and checks for men and women, and prevents the entry of military factions' members whatever their affiliation only after being searched.

Shura Council explained that these procedures were the result of what have been suffered by the people of the three towns recently; such as assassination and targeting with bombs and mines by extremists and insurgents, as described by the statement.

The most recent targeting was the assassination of imams in Yalda, while the statement also stressed that any member belonging to Al-Nusra Front or ISIS discover in these towns will be killed immediately.

In this context, a delegation of notables of the Yarmouk camp and head of the civil Council, Fawzi Hamid, visited Yalda area in order to solve the problem of road closure.

On September 6, a number of Syrian armed opposition groups, located in Yalda town adjacent to Yarmouk, issued a statement in which it announced the closure of (Yalda- Yarmouk)road so as to punish ISIS for storming Alqadam neighborhood, according to the statement.

The opposition forces reopened Yalda checkpoint after a visit to Yalda area by a delegation from the institutions and bodies operating office in the camp, where the delegation met with elders of the town, and it was agreed on the need to separate the civil status of any ongoing military conflict in the region.

It is worth mentioning that the only port of food and aid entry to the besieged people of the camp is Yalda area, but the armed opposition groups accuse ISIS and Nusra in the Yarmouk camp and Alhajar  Alaswad of assassination of many of its members and a number of activists in Yalda.

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