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Victims until today


Shelling and Violent Clashes at Yarmouk

Published : 10-09-2015

Shelling and Violent Clashes at Yarmouk

Shelling targeted different parts of the Yarmouk camp, and resulted in casualties among civilians, coincided with violent clashes on several axes between the Syrian army alongside groups loyal to itand ISIS alongside Al-Nusra Front.

In terms of living aspect, the remained residents are living tragic situations as a result of lack of food and water and the continuous power cuts for more than two years.

In Damascus suburb, Jaramana residents are still suffering from worsening economic crises, especially homes rent, high rates of unemployment, and the increase in demand, prompting them to live in stifling conditions.

This suffering accompanied with decreasing aid provided by UNRWA and charitable bodies, which cover only a little part of their costs.

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Shelling targeted different parts of the Yarmouk camp, and resulted in casualties among civilians, coincided with violent clashes on several axes between the Syrian army alongside groups loyal to itand ISIS alongside Al-Nusra Front.

In terms of living aspect, the remained residents are living tragic situations as a result of lack of food and water and the continuous power cuts for more than two years.

In Damascus suburb, Jaramana residents are still suffering from worsening economic crises, especially homes rent, high rates of unemployment, and the increase in demand, prompting them to live in stifling conditions.

This suffering accompanied with decreasing aid provided by UNRWA and charitable bodies, which cover only a little part of their costs.

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