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On the 800 Day of Siege, Residents of Yarmouk Demand lifting it and Withdrawal of Militants

Published : 11-09-2015

On the 800 Day of Siege, Residents of Yarmouk Demand lifting it and Withdrawal of Militants

On the 800 day of tight siege imposed on Yarmouk by the regular army and PFGC groups, residents of Yarmouk renewed their demand to lift the siege, to allow the return of displaced residents to their homes, the return of normal life to the camp, and the withdrawal of armed groups.

This comes in light of the continued suffering from power cuts for more than 870 days, water cuts for 360 days, and prevention of all food and medical aid entry to the camp, which claimed the lives of nearly 180 victims who died as a result of starvation and lack of medical care.

In addition to the shelling with explosive barrels, rockets, and mortar shells, which resulted in 1222 victims who were documented by the AGPS, as well as the mass destruction in homes, particularly the entrance of the camp area.

The suffering of residents increased following the control of ISIS and Nusra over the besieged camp since the beginning of April, which gave a pretext for the Syrian regime and other groups to target the camp and follow the policy of systematic destruction of the camp, according to some activists.

Displaced people are also prevented to return to their homes, as the remained residents are still suffering of the high cost of living, houses' rents, high prices,  limited financial resources, and the spread of unemployment among them, as well as the prosecution of security services to them, either for being security wanted, or fleeing from the PLA military service.

The suffering of besieged and displaced residents are exacerbating due to the siege imposed by the Syrian regime and its groups, in addition to the control of ISIS and Nusra over the camp, putting the residents in a difficult and tough choices, according to them.

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On the 800 day of tight siege imposed on Yarmouk by the regular army and PFGC groups, residents of Yarmouk renewed their demand to lift the siege, to allow the return of displaced residents to their homes, the return of normal life to the camp, and the withdrawal of armed groups.

This comes in light of the continued suffering from power cuts for more than 870 days, water cuts for 360 days, and prevention of all food and medical aid entry to the camp, which claimed the lives of nearly 180 victims who died as a result of starvation and lack of medical care.

In addition to the shelling with explosive barrels, rockets, and mortar shells, which resulted in 1222 victims who were documented by the AGPS, as well as the mass destruction in homes, particularly the entrance of the camp area.

The suffering of residents increased following the control of ISIS and Nusra over the besieged camp since the beginning of April, which gave a pretext for the Syrian regime and other groups to target the camp and follow the policy of systematic destruction of the camp, according to some activists.

Displaced people are also prevented to return to their homes, as the remained residents are still suffering of the high cost of living, houses' rents, high prices,  limited financial resources, and the spread of unemployment among them, as well as the prosecution of security services to them, either for being security wanted, or fleeing from the PLA military service.

The suffering of besieged and displaced residents are exacerbating due to the siege imposed by the Syrian regime and its groups, in addition to the control of ISIS and Nusra over the camp, putting the residents in a difficult and tough choices, according to them.

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