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A PLA Officer Dies During Clashes at Tal Kurdi Area in Damascus Suburb

Published : 15-09-2015

A PLA Officer Dies During Clashes at Tal Kurdi Area in Damascus Suburb

The Lieutenant Yousif Qassab Jom’a from the PLA died due to a wound he attained during clashes between the Syrian Army alongside the PLA against the Opposition groups in Tal Kurdi Damascus Suburb.

It is referred that AGPS documented about 147 victims from the PLA died due to clashes with the Opposition forces in several areas in Syria since the beginning of the war.

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The Lieutenant Yousif Qassab Jom’a from the PLA died due to a wound he attained during clashes between the Syrian Army alongside the PLA against the Opposition groups in Tal Kurdi Damascus Suburb.

It is referred that AGPS documented about 147 victims from the PLA died due to clashes with the Opposition forces in several areas in Syria since the beginning of the war.

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