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Bombing Khan Al Sheih Adjacent Farms with Explosive Barrels

Published : 18-09-2015

Bombing Khan Al Sheih Adjacent Farms with Explosive Barrels

The adjacent farms to Khan Al Sheih camp for Palestinian refugees in Damascus suburb were exposed to bombing with at least three explosive barrels which led to a state of panic and tension amongst the residents fearing the bombing reaches their camp. The Regular Army still closes all main roads that connect the camp with the Capital center Damascus which forces the families to go through Zakia-Khan AL Sheih road. The road is the only road for the residents to go through though the risks of frequent targeting and bombing when they pass through it.

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The adjacent farms to Khan Al Sheih camp for Palestinian refugees in Damascus suburb were exposed to bombing with at least three explosive barrels which led to a state of panic and tension amongst the residents fearing the bombing reaches their camp. The Regular Army still closes all main roads that connect the camp with the Capital center Damascus which forces the families to go through Zakia-Khan AL Sheih road. The road is the only road for the residents to go through though the risks of frequent targeting and bombing when they pass through it.

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