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Residents of Yarmouk in Babila Organize a Festival in Solidarity with Al-Aqsa Mosque after ISIS Controlled their Camp

Published : 20-09-2015

Residents of Yarmouk in Babila Organize a Festival in Solidarity with Al-Aqsa Mosque after ISIS Controlled their Camp

Palestinian bodies and institutions and the displaced people of Yarmouk, who left after ISIS imposed control on their camp early last April, organized a public festival in support of Al-Aqsa Mosque. The festival was attended by crowd of people of Yarmouk and the region, where they expressed anger and criticized the silence of Arab and Islamic nation about the violations against Al-Aqsa and Jerusalem.

It is worth mentioning that a large part of those remaining residents of the Yarmouk refugee camp had fled after the control of ISIS and Al-Nusra Front who were inside the camp, where members of ISIS executed a number of residents and threatened Palestinian activists inside the camp, prompting most of them to flee to neighboring areas.

Meanwhile,  the Syrian army and the PFGC are still imposing tight siege on the camp for (809) days respectively, in light of power cuts for more than (879) days, and water cuts for 369 days, as well as they prevent the entry of food and medical aid and prevent the return of residents to their homes.

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Palestinian bodies and institutions and the displaced people of Yarmouk, who left after ISIS imposed control on their camp early last April, organized a public festival in support of Al-Aqsa Mosque. The festival was attended by crowd of people of Yarmouk and the region, where they expressed anger and criticized the silence of Arab and Islamic nation about the violations against Al-Aqsa and Jerusalem.

It is worth mentioning that a large part of those remaining residents of the Yarmouk refugee camp had fled after the control of ISIS and Al-Nusra Front who were inside the camp, where members of ISIS executed a number of residents and threatened Palestinian activists inside the camp, prompting most of them to flee to neighboring areas.

Meanwhile,  the Syrian army and the PFGC are still imposing tight siege on the camp for (809) days respectively, in light of power cuts for more than (879) days, and water cuts for 369 days, as well as they prevent the entry of food and medical aid and prevent the return of residents to their homes.

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