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A Palestinian Refugee from Yarmouk Camp Wins the First Place in Judo Championship in Sweden

Published : 21-09-2015

A Palestinian Refugee from Yarmouk Camp Wins the First Place in Judo Championship in Sweden

Palestinian refugee "Abdullah Moussa" won the first prize of Judo Championship at the Kingdom of Sweden level in which he had arrived in the Kingdom of Sweden after the war forced him to migrate from the Yarmouk camp for Palestinian refugees in Damascus to the north of Europe. It is worth mentioning that the Kingdom of Sweden is the first destination for thousands of Palestinians escaping form the war in Syria looking for safety and escaping from the shelling and siege.

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Palestinian refugee "Abdullah Moussa" won the first prize of Judo Championship at the Kingdom of Sweden level in which he had arrived in the Kingdom of Sweden after the war forced him to migrate from the Yarmouk camp for Palestinian refugees in Damascus to the north of Europe. It is worth mentioning that the Kingdom of Sweden is the first destination for thousands of Palestinians escaping form the war in Syria looking for safety and escaping from the shelling and siege.

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