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Activists Launch an Electronic Campaign Demanding to Rescue the Refugee Ahmed Omar who is injured and Stuck in Slovenia

Published : 21-09-2015

Activists Launch an Electronic Campaign Demanding to Rescue the Refugee Ahmed Omar who is injured and Stuck in Slovenia

Palestinian Activists launched yesterday an electronic campaign to call the ICRC and Doctors without Borders organizations to immediately interfere to save the Palestinian Syrian Refugee Ahmed Omar who is injured and stuck in Slovenia.

 It is mentioned that Ahmed Omar was injured due to bombing on Yarmouk camp in Damascus which led to suffer paraplegia in lower extremities. Omar moved from Turkey to Greece through sea and he is now stuck in Slovenia and needs treatment and medical care. The Activists stressed in their campaign that they launched through Avaaz network for Social Campaigns on the necessity for all organizations and human rights organizations to act now to help the refugee Ahmed Omar.

Follow the link of the Campaign below:

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Palestinian Activists launched yesterday an electronic campaign to call the ICRC and Doctors without Borders organizations to immediately interfere to save the Palestinian Syrian Refugee Ahmed Omar who is injured and stuck in Slovenia.

 It is mentioned that Ahmed Omar was injured due to bombing on Yarmouk camp in Damascus which led to suffer paraplegia in lower extremities. Omar moved from Turkey to Greece through sea and he is now stuck in Slovenia and needs treatment and medical care. The Activists stressed in their campaign that they launched through Avaaz network for Social Campaigns on the necessity for all organizations and human rights organizations to act now to help the refugee Ahmed Omar.

Follow the link of the Campaign below:

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