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Victims until today


Activists and residents of the Yarmouk camp appeals for food aids.

Published : 07-01-2015

Activists and residents of the Yarmouk camp appeals for food aids.

A number of activists and residents of the Yarmouk camp appealed the concerned organizations and the UNRWA to resume entering food aids to the camp after being suspended for more than 20 days. The suspension of food aids resulted in the possibilities of starvation return and the loss of most food supplies and its high prices, as one kilo of rice has reached 1500 SL, while one kilo of sugar has reached 2300 SL, one kilo of flour has exceeded 2000 SL, and one kilo of lentils has reached 1400 SL.

It is worth mentioning that in such days on 2014, a father has slaughtered three cats for securing food to his children, who did not eat for more than two days because of the siege imposed on the camp, since the regular army and groups of PFGC checkpoints are still imposing strict siege to the residents of the Yarmouk camp, which led to the death of dozens of victims due to the lack of food and medicine.

This accident is happening now to the residents of "Diaspora capital" because of not entering food supplies provided by UNRWA for the 4th week respectively, what led to the loss of many kinds of food, prompting people to search at the orchards in the neighboring areas to search something to eat. All this come in light of water, power, and telecommunication cut for long periods.

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A number of activists and residents of the Yarmouk camp appealed the concerned organizations and the UNRWA to resume entering food aids to the camp after being suspended for more than 20 days. The suspension of food aids resulted in the possibilities of starvation return and the loss of most food supplies and its high prices, as one kilo of rice has reached 1500 SL, while one kilo of sugar has reached 2300 SL, one kilo of flour has exceeded 2000 SL, and one kilo of lentils has reached 1400 SL.

It is worth mentioning that in such days on 2014, a father has slaughtered three cats for securing food to his children, who did not eat for more than two days because of the siege imposed on the camp, since the regular army and groups of PFGC checkpoints are still imposing strict siege to the residents of the Yarmouk camp, which led to the death of dozens of victims due to the lack of food and medicine.

This accident is happening now to the residents of "Diaspora capital" because of not entering food supplies provided by UNRWA for the 4th week respectively, what led to the loss of many kinds of food, prompting people to search at the orchards in the neighboring areas to search something to eat. All this come in light of water, power, and telecommunication cut for long periods.

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