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Residents of Yarmouk Refuse the Decision of Nursa that Prevents their children Participating Eid Festival in Yalda

Published : 29-09-2015

Residents of Yarmouk Refuse the Decision of Nursa that Prevents their children Participating Eid Festival in Yalda

In south of Damascus, where residents of Yarmouk camp refused the decision of Amir Al-Nusra Front 'Abu Khader', which bans children of the camp to go to Yalda town to participate in the Eid festival, which is organized by the Palestinian societies in the town as an initiative to bring happiness to the hearts of displaced children.

Nusra was not able to prevent people to go with their children after they insisted.

Al-Nusra Front is trying to impose their agendas on the Yarmouk residents after it took control with ISIS at the beginning of last April.

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In south of Damascus, where residents of Yarmouk camp refused the decision of Amir Al-Nusra Front 'Abu Khader', which bans children of the camp to go to Yalda town to participate in the Eid festival, which is organized by the Palestinian societies in the town as an initiative to bring happiness to the hearts of displaced children.

Nusra was not able to prevent people to go with their children after they insisted.

Al-Nusra Front is trying to impose their agendas on the Yarmouk residents after it took control with ISIS at the beginning of last April.

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