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Food Aid Distribution to the Yarmouk Residents at Yalda

Published : 01-10-2015

Food Aid Distribution to the Yarmouk Residents at Yalda

Jafra Foundation started distributing a new batch of humanitarian aid to the people of Yarmouk who fled to the towns of "Yalda, Babbila, and Beit Sahem."

The foundation said it has distributed more than 1,000 food rations have been entered via Beit Sahem crossing.

Meanwhile, residents of Yarmouk are still suffering of harsh living conditions, in light of the high prices, the lack of financial resources, and stop entrepreneurship under the siege imposed on them for (820) days respectively, in addition to the control of ISIS and Nusra over the camp, which cause migration of thousands of residents to the neighboring areas.

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Jafra Foundation started distributing a new batch of humanitarian aid to the people of Yarmouk who fled to the towns of "Yalda, Babbila, and Beit Sahem."

The foundation said it has distributed more than 1,000 food rations have been entered via Beit Sahem crossing.

Meanwhile, residents of Yarmouk are still suffering of harsh living conditions, in light of the high prices, the lack of financial resources, and stop entrepreneurship under the siege imposed on them for (820) days respectively, in addition to the control of ISIS and Nusra over the camp, which cause migration of thousands of residents to the neighboring areas.

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