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Syrian Security Services Arrest and Reticent about Hundreds of Palestinian Refugees in its Prisons

Published : 01-10-2015

Syrian Security Services Arrest and Reticent about Hundreds of Palestinian Refugees in its Prisons

Syrian security services continue being reticent on the fate of more than 1,500 Palestinian refugees in its jails, despite the continued demands for their release and for disclosure of their fate. The AGPS documented 976 detainees, including children, women, elderly, brothers, fathers, sons, and entire families, while hundreds of them died under Torture.

The detainees were distributed on all Syrian areas and refugee camps, where the largest number of detainees is at Al Aedein camp; 180 detainees were documented, in the Yarmouk camp death toll reached 126 detainees, in Khan Al Shieh camp in Damascus suburb 102 detainees, while in Neirab in Aleppo 84 detainees, in Raml camp in Lathakeia78 detainees, in Al Aedein camp in Hama the total number is 52 detainees, and dozens of detainees were documented in the rest of the camps.

The Syrian security services are still reticent about the fate of detainees, as well as their families fear for their lives from the oppression of regime members.

The detainees have been subjected to all kinds of torture, while 418 Palestinian refugees were killed; 77 of them were identified through the leaked images of victims of torture, and is worth mentioning that the testimonies of released detainees confirm the presence of babies in the Syrian security branches.

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Syrian security services continue being reticent on the fate of more than 1,500 Palestinian refugees in its jails, despite the continued demands for their release and for disclosure of their fate. The AGPS documented 976 detainees, including children, women, elderly, brothers, fathers, sons, and entire families, while hundreds of them died under Torture.

The detainees were distributed on all Syrian areas and refugee camps, where the largest number of detainees is at Al Aedein camp; 180 detainees were documented, in the Yarmouk camp death toll reached 126 detainees, in Khan Al Shieh camp in Damascus suburb 102 detainees, while in Neirab in Aleppo 84 detainees, in Raml camp in Lathakeia78 detainees, in Al Aedein camp in Hama the total number is 52 detainees, and dozens of detainees were documented in the rest of the camps.

The Syrian security services are still reticent about the fate of detainees, as well as their families fear for their lives from the oppression of regime members.

The detainees have been subjected to all kinds of torture, while 418 Palestinian refugees were killed; 77 of them were identified through the leaked images of victims of torture, and is worth mentioning that the testimonies of released detainees confirm the presence of babies in the Syrian security branches.

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