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The Syrian Opposition Groups Close the Checkpoint of Yalda-Yarmouk

Published : 05-10-2015

The Syrian Opposition Groups Close the Checkpoint of Yalda-Yarmouk

The organizers of Yalda checkpoint of the Syrian armed opposition groups closed the road between the Yarmouk camp and Yalda after the killing of four fighters of Jaish Al-Islam due to an explosive device that was planted by ISIS at Yalda area.

The AGPS correspondent reported news that Jaish Al-Islam in the south of Damascus executed the Palestinian refugee "Ahmed Abu Ammar" from Yarmouk and four other people, while the AGPS was not able to know their names, as they were executed on charges of belonging to ISIS.

Meanwhile, a state of anxiety prevailed among the residents of the camp for fear of the deterioration and exacerbation of humanitarian situation due to this decision, which would increase their living suffering.

It is noted that ISIS and Al-Nusra in the Yarmouk camp and Al Hajar Al Aswad areas assassinated many members of the armed opposition groups and a number of activists in Yalda.

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The organizers of Yalda checkpoint of the Syrian armed opposition groups closed the road between the Yarmouk camp and Yalda after the killing of four fighters of Jaish Al-Islam due to an explosive device that was planted by ISIS at Yalda area.

The AGPS correspondent reported news that Jaish Al-Islam in the south of Damascus executed the Palestinian refugee "Ahmed Abu Ammar" from Yarmouk and four other people, while the AGPS was not able to know their names, as they were executed on charges of belonging to ISIS.

Meanwhile, a state of anxiety prevailed among the residents of the camp for fear of the deterioration and exacerbation of humanitarian situation due to this decision, which would increase their living suffering.

It is noted that ISIS and Al-Nusra in the Yarmouk camp and Al Hajar Al Aswad areas assassinated many members of the armed opposition groups and a number of activists in Yalda.

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